Kim Isherwood Kim Isherwood

Goddess Athena: Tapping into Inner Wisdom and Intuition

As we bask in the radiant light of the Super Blue Moon on August 30, 2023, we gather under its mystical glow to embrace the wisdom of Goddess Athena and tap into our inner intuition. The Super Blue Moon, a rare celestial event, amplifies our intuitive abilities, offering a profound opportunity for spiritual connection and growth.

Goddess Athena, with her brilliance and strategic prowess, embodies the archetype of wisdom, courage, and intuition. In our journey of empowerment and intuitive exploration, we can draw inspiration from Athena's energy as we embrace and trust our inner wisdom.

Athena, the wise strategist, encourages us to approach challenges with intelligence and foresight. As we navigate our spiritual path, let us discern the best ways to share our intuitive gifts and connect with our authentic selves. We must take time to feel new ways of working with our intuition. Not every tool will feel right. Some may love tarot or crystals, and others may not resonate with them. We must approach all with discernment. 

Embracing Athena as the Goddess of Art and Inspiration, we open ourselves to divine creative flow. Let our readings, writings, and teachings be infused with creativity, inspiring others on their own journeys of self-discovery. Express yourself wildly.  

As the Protector and Guide, Athena reminds us to honor and protect our intuitive abilities. In doing so, we create a safe and sacred space for our followers, fostering trust and authenticity in our interactions. Create personal and energetic boundaries that allow our energy to remain strong and confident. When we don’t we can feel drained our set ourselves up for conflict or anxiety. 

With the courage of the Warrior of Truth, let us speak our truths boldly and stay committed to our spiritual path. Our authentic expression will resonate with those who seek guidance and reassurance. Embrace the blue of the throat chakra as we are mindful of our words under the blue moon. 

To connect with Athena's energy, we can create a sacred space and call upon her during meditation or prayer. As we embrace her wisdom, let us also invite the energy of the Super Blue Moon to illuminate our path and expand our intuitive gifts. Harness Athena’s wisdom at your altar for your full moon ritual tonight.

The crystals associated with Athena are perfect for this blue moon energy! 

  • Clear Quartz: Known as the "master healer," clear quartz amplifies energy and enhances intuition. It can be used to connect with Athena's clarity and strategic mind.

  • Amethyst: This crystal is often associated with wisdom, intuition, and spiritual guidance. Amethyst can help you attune to Athena's insights and enhance your intuitive abilities.

  • Blue Lace Agate: Known for its calming and soothing properties, blue lace agate can aid in communication and expression, helping you connect with Athena's wisdom and articulate your insights effectively.

  • Sodalite: This crystal is linked to rational thinking, logic, and mental clarity, aligning well with Athena's Wise Strategist archetype.

On this rare and powerful Full Moon, we set our intentions to reach new heights of spiritual connection and growth. As we explore the depths of intuition and wisdom, may we remember the power that lies within us during this Super Blue Moon and every moment of our spiritual journey.

Thank you for being part of this magical experience. Let us continue to tap into our inner wisdom and intuition, illuminating the way for others to seek guidance and insight, too.



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